Welcome to the Real-World Lab Accessibility
We are concerned with the design, development and evaluation of novel technologies that can be leveraged by disabled people to lead self-determined lives. By examining the interplay between digital technology and physical space, our work also asks whether and how the presence of technology can enhance our usage and experience in space. The goal of the Real-World Lab Accessibility is to open up new perspectives on technology, spaces, and their potential to appreciate human diversity, thereby contributing to more inclusive societies.
We work in close collaboration with ACCESS@KIT, the Center for Digital Accessibility and Assistive Technology that supports students with visual impairments in their studies at KIT.
A picture from the GAconference showing its Logo with a person in a wheelchair in the backgroundGAconf
Award Nominations at GAconf

We are excited that two of our papers (examining gaming sickness and representation of ADHD in games) received award nominations by the IGDA Game Accessibility SIG conference #GAconf.

Sabrina Burtscher hält einen Vortrag auf dem CCC in DarmstadtLeah Oswald
Science Communication: Talk on Neurodivergence and Work

As part of the annual Meta Rhein Main Chaos Days of the CCC Darmstadt e.V., Sabrina Burtscher presented an update on her work regarding neurodivergence, work, and technology. Conference attendees from Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and the Netherlands were present in the audience. The recording of the talk and the slides are available online.


A version of the recording with (automatically generated) subtitles is available on YouTube.

A abstract depiction of neuro diversity at work.
Publication at CHIWORK 2024


We are pleased to announce that our submission "Neurodivergence and Work in Human-Computer Interaction: Mapping the Research Landscape" has been accepted and will be published at the CHIWORK Conference 2024. We will present it at the end of June in Newcastle upon Tyne (UK). The paper describes a literature review in the field of neurodivergence and technology in the context of work.